What we are looking for
In novel excerpts, short stories, flash fiction and poetry, we are looking for work that wrestles with the subject of extremism.
This could take many forms. For example, it could investigate the how and why of radicalisation, what it feels like to live on the fringes of society, or the impact of extremism on vulnerable communities.
In essays, we are looking for work that addresses the role art can play in stemming the tide of radicalisation.
This, too, could take many forms. For example, it could consider the limitations of traditional counter-extremism measures, the trouble with black-and-white narratives surrounding extremism, or the unique value of creative study.
How to submit
We have no set minimum or maximum word limits. However, we recommend the following:
1,000-5,000 words for novel excerpts and short stories
10-1,000 words for flash fiction
1-5 pages for poetry
500-3,000 words for essays
We are happy to accept pitches for essays. These should include an outline of your idea and be no more than 300 words.
Please email all submissions to in .doc, .docx or. pdf format together with a brief biographical note.
We will make every attempt to respond to your submission within four weeks.
The rights for all published submissions will remain with their authors.